First sorry, really i was very excited yesterday with this discovery,
never i tried to run mods with quake2 official binaries, in my linux
'life' i was running q2-icculus ever.
I can't to understand why as in windows every old/new mod with any
old/new engine works flameswly and nice at 90% (not requires to be
re-compiled) than in linux is 0-10%!!!
Yes, i'd noticed what is very difficult to fix all this stuff.
Quake2-Icculus is a complete new engine, sdl, joystick, q2max,... but
w/out mods compatibility.
Even if Eraser mod is compiled for q2-icculus, the p_trail.o from the
main linux package do the work and a little change in a file, now i
don't remember, the game will crash, the same for 3zb2, compiles fine
but with undefiied symbols at start, and of course some others mods
with sources relased.
So, ok if i want to play old mods then i must to run the official id binaries.
Again sry, i'm totally new in the q2 code, and also in the code.
Post by Brendan BurnsAny binary-only mods won't work with Icculus q2, that's just the way it
is. There are changes to the game's internals structures that preclude
them working with binary only mods. If complete source is available
for the mod they can be recompiled and they should work just fine with
icculus q2.
On the other hand, id's q2 doesn't support joysticks, retexturing, or
any of the other features people have added into the code base over the
years (including a number of security fixes) so its a trade-off between
mod compatibility and other improvements
The only "fix" that would allow better mod compatibility would be some
sort of glue code that adapts old game.so's to work with icculus q2.
Anyone who wants to code and contribute that is welcome to do so... (I
have many, many more pressing engagements...)
I hope that helps explain the situation.
If you'd actually read the documentation, you might have noticed that
mods with only binaries available are incompatible.
-Zachary J. Slater
zakk at timedoctor.org
zacharyslater at gmail.com
Post by qudos qudosHi,
Sorry but something is wrong inside the q2 icculus source.
I'd installed the official 3.20 binaries from idsoftware, thanks to a
good friend, which was my surprise, a lot of mods not working in the
q2-icculus are working with no problems in 3.20-id.
This are Lithium, Gladiator, Eraser, lmctf,.........
I don't know what is happening, but plz team, stop right now and try
to fix the main q2-icculus code. Is a great project, but sometimes
Today is too late to test more mods and stuff.